Our Vision: An organized
and empowered Latino/Hispanic community

List of Resources

As the oldest Latino organization in the state, SC Hispanic Outreach has served as permanent advocates for the Latino Community and continues to maintain as its general objective the construction of relationships and understanding among the Latino Community, the government, other organizations, industry and business. 
It was as a response to those complex problems that Acercamiento Hispano de Carolina del Sur (South Carolina Hispanic Outreach) was founded in 1995, in order to provide general services to the Latino Community in various areas such as health, continuing education, employment and others, in a culturally and linguistically appropriate context. The activities have been numerous and diverse, but the mission has always remained “To preserve the dignity, promote the well-being, and improve the quality of life of the Hispanic/Latino Community of South Carolina.” 

List of Services

  • Free HIV Testing
  • Diabetes Prevention
  • Prevention of Pregnancy and STD's
  • Prenatal Programs
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Document Translation
  • Oral Interpretation
  • Legal and Educational Referral Services
Imagine that you were forced to leave your country due to war, poverty or lack of opportunity, and now you’re an immigrant in a foreign country where you don’t know anyone and you don’t even speak the language. Who can you call when you get there? How can you find work? What if you get sick? You can try to contact your consulate or embassy if there is one nearby, but more likely you would try to find people from your country who speak your language and to whom you can tell your problems. This is the case with Latin American immigrants throughout the United States, but especially in states like South Carolina, where the history of immigration in the last century was limited and where there has been a dramatic change in the last few years, with the unexpected arrival of massive numbers of Latin Americans.

About Us

Welcome to South Carolina Hispanic Outreach